You love your children more than anything and want what’s best for them. Today I want to share with you three things you can do differently for your children in 2018. These three things will significantly improve your kids health NOW and in the years to come. These will help every cell in their bodies function much more optimally and help them grow and develop in a much more efficient and superior way than before. Children are so special and they deserve the correct nutrients so their bodies can grow as designed to. Looking after your kids health will enable them to reach their genetic potential.
Remove empty carbohydrate snacks from their diet and replace with nutrient-dense snacks.
Remove biscuits, potato chips, lollies, white bread, fast food burgers, chips etc from your children’s diets. These are full of sugar, chemicals and grains that have had all their good nutrients taken out of them. They are hard on digestion, often causing all sorts of issues from constipation to eczema. They are among the worst things you can do for your kids health. You can still pack the following suggestions into lunch boxes, all your school mums out there! By removing empty carbohydrate foods, you are also opening up more space to give your child lots of great, much needed nutrients!
Replace with quality protein to help with every area of their growth, such as
- Chicken drumstick
- Boiled egg
- Lamb chop
- Bowl of yoghurt
OR Replace with quality whole carbohydrates to give them much needed minerals such as selenium:
- Blue corn chips
- Other veggies chips (you can easily make these yourself also)
AND/ OR Replace with a bowl of veggies for loads of minerals, vitamins and the best quality fibre.
- Steamed frozen peas with butter or yoghurt
- Steamed veggies such as a corn cob, or carrot sticks etc with butter or yoghurt.
2. Change their sugary carbohydrate breakfast cereal to high quality, real, highly nutritious foods to keep them full for longer.
Some suggestions:
- Boiled or poached eggs with vegetables
- Bowl of frozen steamed peas with runny eggs on top
- Sardines mixed through mashed sweet potato
- Silverbeat quiche (this can be made in advance and eaten cold- yummo!)
- Scrambled eggs with veggies
3. Eliminate all drinks except good quality spring water or carbon-filtered tap water.
Most drinks are full of refined sugar, rotting kids health- their teeth and their insides. Even fruit juices are full of natural fructose which rots the teeth also. Kids (and adults) need much more water than they are getting. Think of each cell in their bodies as either grapes or sultanas. You want body cells to be big, plump, hydrated grape-cells, not shrivelled up, dehydrated sultana– cells. The latter does not allow nutrients to get into the cells so they can work properly. The sultana cells also do not allow the waste that the cell generates to get out of the cell and out of the body! GO FOR GRAPE CELLS! Get them to drink plenty of good quality water, between meals.
- Buy convenient sized spring water from your local supermarket and pop a straw in for the little tackers to drink throughout the day.
- Buy a carbon-filter to filter your own tap water.
These three changes will honestly make such as big impact on your kid’s health. Put one into practice each week over the next 3 weeks and you would have formed some great new habits with your kids, just in time for the beginning of the school year! Watch your kids grow and blossom and excel at school next year. Your kids will thank you for it in years to come.
If you are serious about getting your kids happy, healthy and thriving, then a Nutritional Balancing program is perfect! It will balance your child’s body chemistry so that every cell is working optimally. Minerals are the building blocks of our bodies. If there is too much of something and not enough of another, things start to go wrong and not work properly. Even if your child is not a sick child, they may suffer from behaviour issues, skin problems, digestive discomfort etc. Balancing their body will ensure these seemingly small issues are resolved. Check out the Nutritional Balancing information and get serious about your family’s health. Sign up for Sari’s Natural Medicine Nothing But Health Tips on the side panel on the website to receive health tips direct to your inbox.
Contact me for a tailor-made personalised health care plan for your child or yourself today!
Happy healing!