I want to share with you my healthy toothpaste recipe I have been using for 10 years on myself and also on my children’s teeth. It will clean your teeth in a superior manner, whiten your teeth without chemicals, and brighten your smile! It only has four, easily found ingredients.
I originally designed this toothpaste to avoid using the toxin laden common toothpastes. Most, if not all common toothpastes contain many toxic ingredients. Your mouth is made of highly absorbable tissues. So what you brush your teeth with is readily absorbed into your blood stream and affects all your body systems and your health. I will discuss a couple of toxins commonly found in toothpaste and then share my healthy toothpaste recipe with you. Lastly, I will comment on the benefits of using this fantastic, healthy toothpaste.
Triclosan, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Aspartame and fluoride are all harmful chemicals found in common toothpastes today. There are many other chemicals found in toothpastes also. Triclosan is an antibacterial that has been linked with endocrine disruption, antibiotic resistance and cancer. SLS is a surfactant. Surfactants cause the foaming to occur and is linked to canker sores and skin irritation. When SLS is manufactured, it can be contaminated with a carcinogenic by-product. SLS is an insecticide and can have toxic effects to marine life also. Aspartame is used to sweeten toothpaste. It is converted to formaldelhyde in your brain and other sensitive areas in your body. It can cause great tissue damage and is linked to headaches, weakness, vertigo, memory problems, numbness, neuritis etc. The last chemical I wish to mention is fluoride. It is a major risk factor for horrible dental fluorosis (ironic isn’t it?)- especially in children as they tend to swallow alot of the toothpaste.
Nutritional Balancing is all about reducing our toxin exposure, and gently eliminating the toxins within our bodies. Why not avoid all these unwanted chemicals in common toothpaste which are doing your health harm? Perhaps you could try the following homemade healthy toothpaste that is so good to use. Your mouth feels cleaner than it does after using common toothpastes. Your breath is fresh. And it tastes good. Here’s my recipe:
Sari’s Healthy Toothpaste:
12 tbsp sodium bicarbonate (bicarb soda)
2/3 tsp of salt
8 tsp glycerin
10 drops peppermint essential oil
Place the bicarb and salt into a small glass jar and mix. Add the glycerin and peppermint oil and mix well, being careful to get all the bicarb/salt from the corners at the bottom of the jar. Put the lid on.
If you are the only one using your new healthy toothpaste, dip your tooth brush into the jar and pick up a small amount of the paste. Lightly wet your tooth brush and brush away! If multiple people are using the tooth paste, get some paste onto a teaspoon and then dip your brush into that.
Do not use this toothpaste for your baby’s teeth as it is too abrasive. Once children are 3 or 4 they are old enough to use it. If you brush your teeth too vigorously you could harm your tooth enamel. It is important to brush your teeth using the correct technique. Wriggle your toothbrush from side to side in a small space (vibration like), rather than using big sweeping motions across the whole length of your row of teeth. Make sure you concentrate on the area where the gum meets the teeth as this is where the bad bacteria enjoy being.
Benefits homemade healthy toothpaste:
Sodium bicarbonate
Bicarb soda is a natural antibacterial and has a pH of 8.3. This alkaline pH helps our mouths have a more alkaline environment which helps the good bacteria thrive. A more alkaline mouth environment means a less acidic environment. And acidic mouths cause dental decay. Bad bacteria flourish in acidic environments of ph5.5 or less. It is highly effective at killing Streptococcus mutans which is a significant contributor to tooth decay.
Bicarb soda is a gentle abrasive which removes stains from your teeth and whitens them without using toxic chemicals. Salt is also has a gentle abrasiveness.
Glycerin is a water-soluble, non toxic, viscous and hygroscopic fluid. This lovely viscous quality ensures your toothpaste has a toothpaste-like consistency! Your mixture will not freeze or become too watery over time with glycerin. It is the perfect carrier for your tooth paste.
Peppermint essential oil
Peppermint essential oil combats bad breath and is a potent antiseptic. It also is adds a wonderful flavour! Existing patients can order peppermint oil under Patient Login.
To book a personalised consultation with Sari please contact me today!
I would love to hear your comments and stories regarding making and using your own highly effective and tasty healthy toothpaste!
Smile with those newly whitened teeth you have, knowing you are doing the health of yourself and your family good.
Happy healing!