How this program works
This healing Nutritional Balancing program helps improve the energy- producing mechanisms of your body. Energy then becomes available for healing, regeneration, removing toxic metals and for all other activities. Balancing body chemistry and keeping it balanced through periodic Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) retesting is the key to raising the energy level. Note that symptoms are relieved in their order of severity, and not necessarily in the order that you might desire. Most people have serious latent conditions that may be healed first, before other symptoms go away.
Healing reactions
You may temporarily experience aches and pains, colds, sore throats, flare-ups of old injuries or other symptoms. These are called healing reactions. These may be due to the elimination from the body of toxic metals, drugs, chemicals or other foreign substances, or the healing of chronic infections.
As your adaptive energy increases, a ‘housecleaning’ takes place. Imagine you own a large house and have not had the energy to keep it clean. As your energy increases, your body automatically begins to cleanse and repair itself. Temporary symptoms are evidence of this healing. PLEASE SUBMIT A QUESTION INQUIRY if these symptoms are annoying. Symptoms can often be alleviated by slight changes in your program.
How long do you stay on a program?
Most people notice improvement within a few weeks to a few months. However, this healing Nutritional Balancing program is aimed at deep and permanent correction of body chemistry. To replenish 20 to 30 minerals and eliminate dozens of toxic substances requires two or three years or more depending on how well you can follow the diet, supplements, lifestyle, detoxification protocol and relaxation exercises.
Emotional changes
As your energy level increases, very positive emotional and attitudinal changes often occur. Your nervous system begins to function better, and more energy brings an enhanced ability to feel and express yourself. Also, energy becomes available to work through long-buried emotional traumas. Finally, memories are linked to mineral patterns. As you release unhealthy mineral patterns, often unhealthy emotions, memories and attitudes release as well.
If negative feelings or unpleasant memories surface, usually it is sufficient to JUST OBSERVE THEM and they will pass. If any emotional symptom is bothering you, please contact me. Often, I can assist you to understand and release these feelings.
Combing with other programs
Please do not combine this program with other dietary, nutrient or herbal regimens. These will impair its effectiveness. Please ask me before adding other nutritional or herbal remedies. However, other holistic therapies such as chiropractic, body work or cranio-sacral therapy combine excellently with this program and are highly recommended.
Remain on prescribed medication unless we discuss it, or you consult the prescribing physician.
Following your Nutritional Balancing program
Your NB program is based on your Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) results and made up of supplement, diet, lifestyle, and detoxification recommendations. Please follow your prescription exactly as Sari has prescribed. Please discuss with me if you have any concerns and I will modify it as necessary. Please follow the rest of the program to the best of your ability. Your ability to follow the program will increase as your energy increases and you heal, and if you have the support of your loved ones.
Periodic retesting of the minerals via the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is very important to monitor progress and guide changes in your diet, supplement and detoxification program. Because your body chemistry changes as it heals, you require different minerals and/or doses as well as dietary and detoxification procedure alterations. If you are on the incorrect program for your current body chemistry, your healing will halt and may even be detrimental.
It is hardest to follow your NB program at the start as this is when you are the sickest. Do not beat yourself up about not being able to do it all. Do your best and leave the rest. As you heal, you will be able to incorporate more of the diet and other aspects of your program, and then heal faster.
Enjoy learning about NB as it is a fascinating science, and a wonderfully intriguing health journey you are on. It is more enjoyable if you have the support of your partner. It is even better if your family are all doing Nutritional Balancing together as you can support each other with the changes, healing and fascinating learning that occurs.
Remember I am here to support you every step of the way as you
Not on a personalised Nutritional Balancing program with Sari yet? Ring or message her today to find out more.